Curtis Bridges - Developer

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Hacking with Swift - Day 3

March 12, 2022 · 1 min · Me

Hacking with Swift - Day 2

Paul covers Strings and String interpolation. The first checkpoint, a simple playground: let temperatureInCelsius = 21.4 let temperatureInFahrenheit = ((temperatureInCelsius * 9) / 5) + 32 print("The temperature is \(temperatureInCelsius)℃ or \(temperatureInFahrenheit)℉.")

March 12, 2022 · 1 min · Me

Hacking with Swift - Day 1

Day 1 = Done I’ve completed Day 1. Paul discusses Xcode, Playgrounds, and the basics of variables. Coming from JavaScript, the differences in var and let are going to be troublesome; I actually prefer JavaScript’s let and const (but NOT var!) right now. I’m sure I’ll come around, eventually. Swift’s tooling looks to be much better than JavaScripts, if a lot less diverse.

March 12, 2022 · 1 min · Me

Hacking with Swift

September 15, 2020 · 1 min · Me